Teresa works with Business in the Community

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Business in the Community (BITC) invited Dukes Consultancy to contribute a workshop on Confidence for the MERLIN Ethnic Role Model Programme which brought 22 students to BT’s Headquarters in London on 9th November. There were three different schools that came along with young people aged 14-16 for the exposure of what it is like to work with a large corporation. (www.bitc.org.uk)

Teresa Dukes, founder of Dukes Consultancy, introduced the 14-16 year olds to her BELIEF system which focusses on how to build your confidence in order to be an effective communicator. With a lot of interaction, audience participation and volunteers Teresa managed to help them understand the importance of self-belief and respect.

"Teresa was once again wonderful, can’t praise her enough for engaging these youngsters, and had them hanging on every word, not an easy thing to do."

"Felt Teresa of Dukes Consultancy to be inspiring and very open/helpful."