What is it like to get elected to a Board of Directors?

It's amazing! A time I will always hold dear because it opened me up to the person and leader I was always meant to be. But I didn't get there on my own. I had help from a Leadership and Communications Coach who helped me work identify my hurdles and clear them.

That's what I do today for others who are looking to step into the world of leadership at Board level or even Government level. We all need to be able to self assess and ensure that we bring the best 'ME' to the table.

Have a listen to one of my clients who was successful in being elected to their Board of Directors within Toastmasters International.


If you are running for an elected position, Teresa works with you to be your best self. Articulate, self-aware, and confident. Uncovering your potential so you can explore your future as a board member!