Teresa Dukes - Speaker, trainer and coach hits the jackpot!
Teresa Dukes, of Dukes Consultancy, elected to the Board of Directors of Toastmasters International. This is the world’s leading organization devoted to teaching skills in communication and leadership. Dukes was elected to the 2015-2017 two-year term at the organization’s 84th Annual International Convention, held August 12-15 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
As a member of the Toastmasters International Board of Directors, Dukes is a “working ambassador” for the 300,000 member global organization. She works with the Board to develop and support the policies and procedures that guide Toastmasters International in fulfilling its mission.
Teresa says, “Toastmasters means courage, opportunity and challenge: the courage to share ideas where they are heard, the opportunity to develop skills at your own pace, and the challenge to help others grow.” “Together,” she says, “Toastmasters members not only grow personally and professionally, but are ready and able to grow their communities and businesses as well.”
Further information about Teresa
Teresa Dukes, DTM, of Ipswich, Suffolk, is a speaker, trainer and coach at Dukes Consultancy, a company she founded in May 2009. Certified as a World Class Speech Coach, she helps individuals achieve their personal objectives and reach their full potential. Her clients include CEOs, apprentices, high school students and small to medium size enterprises. Teresa also works as an associate trainer for Speakers Trust, a charitable public speaking organization that specializes in training and educating the not-for-profit and community sectors.